The Fridge at Joannes Park

At Joannes Park on Green Bay's East side, residents swap and trade food items in a communal refrigerator. This distinctive refrigerator acts as a hub for neighborhood residents to interact, offer assistance to one another, and promote a feeling of community.

When the pandemic was at its worst, the refrigerator was first proposed as a way to address the community's growing food insecurity and soaring food prices. Since then, local companies and citizens have contributed food to the refrigerator, allowing residents to take what they require.

The refrigerator also serves as a representation of kindness and cooperation. It allows people to donate extra produce from their gardens, leftover food, or non-perishable commodities to guarantee that no one in the neighborhood goes without food. In a similar vein, people who are food insecure can open the refrigerator without worrying about being judged or ashamed since they know that their needs will be supplied with kindness.

The fridge lessens food insecurity and fosters a sense of community while acting as a central location for food sharing. As a free-to-enter space where people may donate fresh food to those in need, everyone is welcome to give what they can and take whatever they require, without hesitation or restrictions.

In addition to addressing food insecurity, this community-based initiative fosters empathy and camaraderie among its participants. It promotes an attitude of kindness and generosity by encouraging people to look out for one another. A good example of how little deeds of giving can make a big difference in a community's well-being is the communal fridge at Joannes Park.

Overall, the community refrigerator at Joannes Park serves as a beacon of hope and unity. It brings people together, promotes sustainable practices, and ensures that everyone has access to nutritious food. It showcases the power of collective action and the positive outcomes that can arise when individuals unite for a common purpose. This initiative stands as a testament to the strength of community bonds and the positive change that can emerge from a shared commitment to helping one another.

The Fridge, which can be found at 315 South Baird Street, is always accepting donations and people in need. The Fridge is run by the Joannes Park Neighborhood Association with the help of kind donors, volunteers, and neighborhood partners.


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