Through local partnerships, Brown County Seed Library provides education, encouragement, resources, and seeds to all community members to protect the current and future food supply. The Seed Library fosters self-reliance and empowers individuals to grow nutritious food and complementary plants that support pollinators. Brown County Seed Library is a curated collection of seeds – primarily edible plants – that are suited for success in our Northeastern Wisconsin growing region. These seeds are available free of charge to anyone interested in planting vegetables, fruits and pollinator-friendly plants.
Brown County Seed Library
This project aims to help alleviate food insecurity and food deserts within the City of Green Bay by growing healthy local food in this public park in a way that is sustainable, costs less money over time, and reduces maintenance for the Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department. It is a pilot project in partnership with the City of Green Bay and the Seymour Park Neighborhood Association. Headed by Josh Kufahl, this project started in 2020, and is located inside the Frank B. Seymour Park
Seymour Park Food Forest
NEW Food Forum is a New Leaf Foods initiative consisting of food and health businesses and organizations partnering to identify the entities in our working local food system and strengthen the relationships within it. This forum focuses on identifying groups working on local food issues, strengthening relationships among food-focused groups, and creating policy related to local, regional, national and global food systems.