Grassroots in the Garden: Growing Community
Join us for our brand-new educational series kicking off this spring in the Seymour Park Food Forest! The goal of Grassroots in the Garden is to bring our community together to learn skills related to caring for the food forest and how to use the produce it provides. In a series of community work sessions, a mentor will guide you through activities in the garden! The Seymour Park Food Forest may be a collaborative project of ours, but it belongs to our community. The skills learned in this amazing community growing space can be applied to your individual gardening and growing interests making it a great opportunity to grow community and self-sufficiency!
Build Your Community
Learn Gardening Skills
Grow & Harvest Food
Community Work Sessions
May 18th, 5:30pm
June 17th, 5:30pm
July 1st, 5:30pm
July 15th, 5:30pm
August 5th, 5:30pm
August 19th, 5:30pm
September 16th, 5:30pm
*We’re still working on the details for each Community Work Session! Check back here or our events page for updates as we have them. See you soon!
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Meet your Mentors