“It Starts with a Seed!” Launch Party was held on Saturday March 4,2023 at the  Brown County Central Library, 515 Pine St. in Green Bay and was a huge success. Over 700 community members showed up to experience the variety of fun and educational hands-on activities, demonstrations and presentations related to seeds and gardening offered by the seven local organizations that have partnered to create the Seed Library. 

The event kicked off with Mother Nature's  “vine-cutting” ceremony to open the Brown County Seed Library as a new community resource to obtain seeds.  Some of the activities included harvesting seeds from dried seed heads, making “seed tape” and planting seeds in paper cores to take home.  

There were local experts teaching seed starting, seed saving, “best bet” veggie varieties, local gardening resources and the One Seed One Community program featuring Dragon Tongue Beans. 

In the lower level there were three presentations including: 

Adaptive Methods for Gardeners by Vicki Medland

Discussed ways she has worked around her stroke-related disability  and had some of her favorite gardening mobility devices available to try. 


Organic Gardening Basics

NWTC Organic Agriculture instructor, Valerie  Dantoin, demonstrated some best practices to lay the foundation for a successful organic garden including soil health and keeping weeds and pests at bay using organic techniques.  

Seed Starting 101

Master Gardener Lynn Clark covered the basics of starting your own seeds at home including seed selection, supplies needed, potting mix with tips for light, air circulation and temperature for best growth. 

What is the Brown County Seed Library?

The Brown County Seed Library is a curated collection of seeds – primarily edible plants – that are suited for success in our Northeastern Wisconsin growing region. These seeds will be available free of charge to anyone interested in planting vegetables, fruits and pollinator-friendly plants. The first year will focus on getting seeds into the hands of local growers of all ages. Educational programs and future initiatives will encourage seed-saving techniques to replenish the collection. 


Through local partnerships, the Brown County Seed Library provides education, encouragement, resources, and seeds to all community members to protect the current and future food supply. The Seed Library fosters self-reliance and empowers individuals to grow nutritious food and complementary plants that support pollinators.

The Brown County Seed Library is a collaborative project

Brown County Community Gardens Program 

Brown County Library

Green Bay Botanical Garden 

New Leaf Foods, Inc 

Northeastern Wisconsin Master Gardeners

University of Wisconsin – Green Bay

UW-Madison Extension Brown County

Major inaugural donors are New Leaf Foods, Inc., Rotary Foundation of Green Bay, Wisconsin Public Service and Jared Warczytowa.

For more information on the Seed Library, the launch party, how to contribute to the project and get on the mailing list visit:



One Seed, One Community


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