NEW Food Forum releases its Regional Food Action Plan

Healthy food system champions, like YOU, can put it into action!   

(Download the executive summary and full report on the NEW Food Forum Regional Food Action web page)

NEW Food Forum consists of Northeast Wisconsin food and health businesses and organizations partnering to identify the entities in our working food system and strengthen relationships within it. The Regional Food Action Plan is the outcome of a planning process led by NEW Food Forum and its coordinator, Amanda Chu. Our thanks to everyone who participated, especially to Amanda!

NEW Food Forum reached out to regional food stakeholders, developed a local food mapping project, surveyed regional food stakeholders, conducted workshops, and published the outcome of their work. Its survey found three areas of highest priority: 1. Food production, 2. Healthy food access, and 3. Food sovereignty. Workshops were held on each of the three priority areas to identify goals—in which energy, need, will, and capacity inspire action for the next two years. Next steps include forming work groups to advance the 10 goals outlined in the plan.

We need your help to turn Regional Food Action Plan into action. Here’s how you can participate: 

New Leaf Foods has agreed to take the lead in addressing 3 of the 10 planned goals:
 Healthy Food Access:
 Goal 3: Increase Healthy Food Access Modes
 Goal 4: Increase Knowledge and Awareness of Healthy Food Access
 Food Sovereignty:
 Goal 1: Transforming Consumers into Food System Participants

1. If you would like to help New Leaf Foods shape and implement these specific 3 goals, here’s how:

a. Contact New Leaf Foods with your interests and more information.

b. To implement Goals 4 & 1 (listed above), New Leaf Foods will develop a Local Food Communication Hub. You can participate in the Communications Team. 

c. You can provide specific healthy regional food communication content, e.g., stories about local food events, businesses, food gardening, sustainable farming, regenerative agriculture, urban farming, and great local chefs and family cooks with local food recipes.

d. To implement goal 3 listed above, you can help build a local food forest movement with New Leaf Garden Blitz. Click here.

2. If you are interested in the Regional Food Action Plan as a whole and in any one or more of the 10 goals, please read the summary or full action plan

a. Contact with your feedback, interest, and questions.

b. Spread the word through your local and regional networks:

i. Ask your government representatives to support local and regional foods and farm enterprises and initiatives.

ii. Ask at your places of work and membership if they would like to offer local fresh produce through programs like CSA Shares or raised bed garden boxes.  


Wisconsin Women in Conservation


Sitting Down with Local Food Leader Valerie Dantoin